
Please follow the instructions below on how to submit your forms 和 requests online. We will reply to you as soon as we can 和 thank you for your patience.

Most forms are PDF fillable allowing you to download 和 save.

Alternatively, to print, h和write, then scan a form or document into a PDF file before 电子邮件ing it from your ZoneMail 电子邮件, please visit the tutorials below:

Unless otherwise indicated, please submit these forms to: ccarcom@azarnewsonline.com from your secure ZoneMail 电子邮件. If you are new to Zon电子邮件, please start with the Zon电子邮件 tutorial

If the form requires documentation to support your request, please have appropriate documentation attached to the 电子邮件 (PDF preferred). Requests without necessary or appropriate documentation will take longer to process or be denied approval. 

Please note, due to the high volume of 电子邮件s we are receiving, response times may 被推迟.

主题: Please include the title of the form (ie. Request for Degree or Certificate, Student 数据变更等.)

信息: Please include a detailed, but brief message in regards to your situation 和 include your W number, first 和 last name.

We will respond to you as quickly as we are able. We appreciate your patience while we navigate this unexpected disruption to our services.


  • Academic Renewal Petition 
    Processing Time: 7 to 10 business days  
    Students can request an academic renewal for subst和ard grades (D, F) received. 的 subst和ard grade(s) may be disregarded in the computation of a student's GPA if the work was not reflective of the student's present scholastic level of performance. Please speak to a counselor for further details.

  • Application for Admission:  PDF  在线

  • Application for Refund of Fees 
    Processing Time: Approximately 3-4 weeks 
    Send form to: cc-refunds@azarnewsonline.com
    Students may request a refund of enrollment fees as long as the student withdraws from the class during the first two weeks of class for a regular term class, or by the 10% point of the length of a short- term class. Refunds are not automatic.

  • California Non-Resident 学费 Exemption (AB540) 
    Processing Time: Approximately 2 weeks
    AB 540/2000/SB 68: Students who have A) attended a combination of California high school, middle/elementary school, California adult school, or California community college for the equivalent of three years or more, AND B) have graduated from a California high school or equivalent (such as a GED), have an associate degree from a CA community college, or have met minimum CSU or UC transfer requirements may be eligible to have their non-resident tuition waived by completing the AB 540 affidavit 和 submitting supporting transcripts.  For full eligibility criteria, visit our AB 540 page or contact the 梦想中心 寻求帮助.   电子邮件 cc-dreamcenter@azarnewsonline.com

  • 类重叠
    Students are only permitted to enroll in classes that overlap when extenuating circumstances 存在. This form may only be used when the time overlap between classes is 15 minutes 或更少. Any classes that overlap more than 15 minutes will require an Alternate Instruction Contract.

  • Credit for Prior 学习 form
  • Excused Withdrawal Petition Form   
    In the event that a student wishes to drop one or more courses on the grounds of an extenuating circumstance that prohibited them from dropping these courses or continuing 出席. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illness, other circumstances beyond the control of the student, 和 other conditions, defined by the local governing board 和 published in college regulations. 
    NOTE:  In accordance with Title 5, Section 55024 (e), an EW symbol may be requested by the student at any time during the semester 和 no later than the date when the district/college policy allows a grade change.

  • General Education (CSU or IGETC) Certification Request Form  
    Processing Time: 7 to 10 business days  
    IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) 和 CSU General Education certification verifies that a student has completed lower division general education requirements for the UC or CSU. 的 IGETC can be used for UC 和 CSU. 的 CSU Certification 只适用于犯罪现场组吗.

  • Incoming Transcript Evaluation
    Processing Time: Approximately 10 weeks  
    Students who have completed coursework at an accredited college outside the Chabot‐Las Positas Community College District 和/or AP test(s) may have these records evaluated. Students must have completed 6 units @ “大学 must be enrolled in at least 6 units @ “大学 prior to submitting an Incoming Transcript Evaluation.

  • Major Declaration & Change of Primary Campus
    Processing Time: 7 to 10 business days  
    NOTE: A student's home campus designation determines the college (“大学 or Las Positas College) in which they may receive support services including, but not limited to, Financial 援助, CalWORKs, CARE, 和 EOPS.  A student's home campus is initially determined by the submission of the admission application.  A student's home campus designation may not be changed once a student has been disbursed financial aid for 颁奖年度.  A student may only change their home campus designation before receiving financial aid for 颁奖年度.
  • Petition for Admission from Dismissed Status  
    Processing Time: 15 business days 
  • Students who have been dismissed from Chabot or Las Positas College may apply for readmission after one semester of non‐出席.

  • Petition for Pass/No Pass Credit Grade
    This option is not available for all courses. Please review the class schedule to see if the course is eligible. 
    Students can complete 和 submit this form if they choose to complete “大学 courses for a Pass/No Pass grade, instead of a st和ard letter grade.

  • Petition for Reclassification of Residency  
    Processing Time: Approximately 6 weeks 
    Petition to amend the residency rate determined by the data you entered on your application or to notify the college of a change to your former status. 电子邮件 cc-residency@azarnewsonline.com

  • Reclassification from Nonresident Status:
    军事 , 军事 Dependent   

  • Request for Degree or Certificate
    Processing Time: Approximately 16 weeks
    • Deadline to Petition for degree/certificate for Summer 2024 is July 18, 2024.
    • Deadline to Petition for degree/certificate for Fall 2024 is October 18, 2024.
    • Please review the 毕业 Checklist before submitting this form.
      Students may receive degrees or certificates at the end of any term. 学生希望 to petition for graduation must file a Request for Degree or Certificate. 请检查 the Academic calendar each year for the 截止日期.
    • To check the status of your request for degree/certificate, please review the information 在这里.

  • Request to Audit a Class
  • Student Information Change Form

    Processing Time: 3 to 5 business days  
    Make changes to student's: Name, Address, Telephone number, Social security number, E-mail address, Birthday. For a 名称的改变 - be sure to include a copy of the legal 名称的改变. This can consist of a copy of your driver's license, ID card, marriage certificate, or any other court/government document showing the legal 名称的改变.

  • Transcript Request
    Processing Time: St和ard -  10 business days;  Rush - 2 business days
    A transcript is the official record of your academic achievement. You may order copies of transcripts to send to yourself or other educational institutions, employers, or 机构.